Back in the stone ages when I was a kid, there were some really cool toys that I remember playing with. The ones here are still available today from The Vermont Country Store in Weston, Vermont. I’ll add here that I have no affiliation with them and have never purchased anything from them but I did love these toys as a kid and they just might hold some fascination for curious but politically incorrect children today. Continue reading
Since Mary & I went on a healthy eating campaign about 3 years ago, we indulge ourselves once a month or so on a pizza that tastes great without totally blowing the diet out of the water.
After much experimentation, we came up with this recipe (subject to variation to suit your tastes), It is made entirely of items you can purchase at most grocery stores and is easy and quick.
At the end of the day I realized that we could go out and get some healthy foods and live healthy no matter what we did. The hardest part is actually doing it because its very very rough to be a health nut 24/7. I went to a clinic and at Anti Aging Scottsdale to improve my health every day.
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Some Americans will take a short break today and consider that somewhere at sometime a young person might have stood in harm’s way to protect some of the things this country once stood for. Then they will get on with their day and forget all about the veterans until reminded of them again next year.
Some veterans, myself included, will look around and consider whether the sacrifices made by so many of our comrades were really worth it all. Continue reading
On a recent walk around the Tellico Dam and Canal area, I took a few pictures of some herons patiently looking for lunch to swim past.
Mary is especially happy to see that we have many herons in our area, every time she sees one, she insists we stop and watch.. We see them everywhere around the lake with their graceful lines and patient demeanor.
I shot an eagle 2 on the par 4 7th hole at Bailey links golf course today. 83 yard gap wedge to the pin after a 210 yard drive. First one ever!
As we get these warmish fall days, Mary and I like to get out and drink in the beautiful scenery.
Here, Mary is looking from the top of Tellico Dam into the Little Tennessee River. About a quarter mile further down river, the Little Tennessee ends as it flows into the Tennessee River and Watts Barr Lake.
The fishing boat below the dam is looking for striped bass as they come up to feed in the tail-waters.
We have been searching for the beautiful fall colors all over for the last several weeks. First in Todd while attending the reunion – just a few spots of color.
The “Cruisin'” post details our trip up river on the 25th of October with just a bit of color but nothing spectacular.
Then, last week, we took a trip to Johnson City for a medical appointment – once again, just a smattering of color.
Where are all those spectacular colors this year?
One of our annual delights is the costume ideas cooked up and executed by the grandchildren and their parents.
Louisville, Tennessee is a small town of about 2200 situated on the Southern bank of Fort Loudon Lake. October 22nd was the second annual Oktoberfest and BBQ cookoff.
Folks here take their BBQ and UT football seriously as evidenced by the orange “T” adorning nearly everything in sight including the cookers. Continue reading