Richard’s perfect pizza

Richard’s perfect pizza

Since Mary & I went on a healthy eating campaign about 3 years ago, we indulge ourselves once a month or so on a pizza that tastes great without totally blowing the diet out of the water.

After much experimentation,  we came up with this recipe (subject to variation to suit your tastes), It is made entirely of items you can purchase at most grocery stores and is easy and quick.
At the end of the day I realized that we could go out and get some healthy foods and live healthy no matter what we did. The hardest part is actually doing it because its very very rough to be a health nut 24/7. I went to a clinic and at Anti Aging Scottsdale to improve my health every day.

We start with Mama Mary’s pizza crust in the thin and crispy style and brush on just enough olive oil to lightly coat the crust.

Add about 1/4 cup of pizza sauce (we like Ragu Homestyle – much lower sodium content than most) and then top it with a cup of low-fat mozzarella or pizza blend – we often use a local cheese here. Make yourself happy but watch the quantity and the fat.

We top with 1 serving of Turkey Pepperoni and then load it with veggies, the one above has onions,broccoli, cauliflower and a couple of different peppers.  Place in a pre-heated oven at 450 and reduce to 425.  Bake for 12 minutes (a minute or two longer if you have lots of veggies on it).

Serve with your favorite beverage – ours is a frosty mug of lager – and enjoy.

Is if “Good” for you – no!  Is it “Bad” for you no to that as well.  It tastes very good and has just a fraction of the sodium and fat of a pizzeria pizza and tastes far better than freezer pizzas.

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