Some toys I used to have

Back in the stone ages when I was a kid, there were some really cool toys that I remember playing with.  The ones here are still available today from The Vermont Country Store in Weston, Vermont.  I’ll add here that I have no affiliation with them and have never purchased anything from them but I did love these toys as a kid and they just might hold some fascination for curious but politically incorrect children today.

The Atomic Submarine!

Fizzing submarine

In the 1950’s Atoms were cool!  Atom bombs, atomic cannons, atomic monsters and, coolest for me, atomic submarines!

The Nautilus was making headlines and my dad was off fighting the Commies in Korea and I was sure that if he were on an atomic sub, he would beat them sooner and come on home.

Unfortunately, there was just one real one and it wasn’t in Korea but I got a FREE nuclear fuel (baking soda) powered one in a cereal box.  You pulled off the periscopes and added fuel.  Then swished it around in the tub and away she went – up and down and bubbling along.  You can get a pair of these babies for 10 bucks at the Country Store – Heck, Uncle Sam paid millions apiece for them this is a deal!

The Burp Gun!

Burpin' them ping-pong-balls

In the 50’s every kid had to have an arsenal at home!  Most of our dads had been in World War II or Korea and, of course, The Duke, Roy and Hoppy and the Lone Ranger all always carried whatever firepower was available so every kid had to have his own deadly array of weaponry.

Burp guns, Ray guns, Grease guns, Tommy guns – we had to have them!

This burp gun was among the most awesome weapons available.  Just work the handles apart and together in a pumping motion and it repeatedly spit out ping-pong balls.  Mine was a little different in that it had “Ray Gun” fins on it (for cooling I suppose).  You can get your own here for a measly 25 bucks!

Genuine Duncan Tournament Yo-Yo

Classic Yo-Yo

This was a staple in every kid’s jeans pocket.  If you couldn’t walk the dog, swing the monkey or do around the world, you just weren’t cool at all.  This sucker was heavy hurt like the dickens when a round the world went bad and conked your noggin but you just had to have one in your pocket.

Hey, it didn’t even need batteries.  Still available for around 19 dollars here.

All of these great toys from my childhood appeared magically in my mailbox today.  What wonders will tomorrow bring?


Some toys I used to have — 2 Comments

  1. And if you really want some fun – – – go to the actual store in Vermont. Weston is worth at least a day trip from some of the bigger tourist-y areas of Vermont

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