A funny thing happened on the way to the bank

Aboard the Pinta

Aboard the Nina

As we were heading out the door to go deposit a refund check in the bank, I happened to glance at our Tuesday newspaper (we take our time reading the paper here) and I noticed an article about the Pinta and Nina museums being in Lenoir City.

Actually they were no longer in Lenoir City, they are in Knoxville and open to the public.

Not being one to miss an opportunity to get aboard any sailing vessel, I loaded my trusty First Mate into the car and headed to Volunteer Landing in Knoxville to check these beautiful replicas out and to wander along the waterfront on this chilly Friday to see what kind of trouble we might discover.

IMG_20131025_160523It seems that these two replicas of Columbus‘ ships travel all around the US with volunteer crews to show the kind of ships used in the 1492 voyage.  The rigging and construction is reasonably authentic to the period except for interior concessions for crew accommodations and Coast Guard safety requirements.

Aboard were displays about the ships and the voyage of discovery.  Several of the crew were also aboard to answer questions about the ships or their construction or journeys.

We struck up a conversation with a delightful crew member from Iowa who speaks with an English accent.  He was pleased to discuss the construction of the replicas and their similarities and differences re the originals.  These two were built in Brazil using native hardwoods in a boatyard that still builds boats very much like these for native fishermen.

IMG_20131025_160915Quite by accident 😉 we discovered Calhoun’s on the River adjacent to the ships and forced ourselves to consume a couple of local brews and a delicious lunch.

A post lunch stroll along the riverfront was necessary to walk off a few calories and Mary discovered a bench swing (two of her favorite things) so we paused our stroll long enough for her to take a swing and watch the river roll by.

When we resumed our walk, we came to a locomotive for the Three Rivers Rambler switching cars for this evening’s Fall Leaves excursion.

A most excellent unexpected Friday afternoon excursion.

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