Veterans day 11-11-11

Letter from home

Some Americans will take a short break today and consider that somewhere at sometime a young person might have stood in harm’s way to protect some of the things this country once stood for.  Then they will get on with their day and forget all about the veterans until reminded of them again next year.

Some veterans, myself included, will look around and consider whether the sacrifices made by so many of our comrades were really worth it all.

I served in Vietnam over 40 years ago,  My father served in WWII in both the European and Pacific theatres and again in Korea.  We did what we thought was right and came home to live our lives pretty much as we wanted.  Many thousands never did come home.  I honor them.

I question the wisdom of the men who sent me to Vietnam, my president lied about the root cause of the conflict.  The men and women sent to Iraq and Afghanistan were lied to by their president as well.  And cartoons like the one above have a ring of truth that tarnishes the American dream.

Remember those who did not come home and honor them by demanding that politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of government respect the Constitution and the law.  It is the very least we can do for their sacrifice.


Veterans day 11-11-11 — 2 Comments

  1. Thank you, Richard. For me, that is a good reminder. It is easy to get caught up in so many different things, pulling us so many ways, too easy to forget the meaning of our country and all of the hard work that went into creating it, not to mention the people who have put their lives on the line to defend it. In your honor and in honor of the fallen, I will make a better effort to do just as you suggest. For one, I have been meaning to keep a copy of the constitution and to start discussing it with the kids. This is a good reminder!
    With love and respect,

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