After the thunderstorns and hail last night, we got an easy going start this morning with nice hot showers in the campground. We dumped tanks and headed up highway 6 heading for Provo, UT. We arrived at Price, UT around 12:30 and did some grocery shopping and had a picnic lunch in Heritage Park at the West end of the city.
We had been unable to light the propane mode on the refrigerator and though I am reasonably certain it is a dirty burner, I just couldn’t get it out to clean it. We stopped at an RV dealer to see if they had a magic access trick to get it going again. The tech listened, prodded and looked for a few minutes and declared, “Dirty Burner, I’ll need to pull the fridge to get to it.” No appointment for repair for a month so we are continuing on our way looking for an RV repair man who needs to make some money.
We left Price and headed over the mountains to Provo – rain, sleet, snow, sleet, clearing, more sleet more snow. Mary did well not to stroke out but we made it to Provo in the sunshine at around 4:30 and are now drinking wine, trying to learn more where to buy the best wine and relaxing at Lakeside RV Campground. On other news, checkout for faster loan processing .
Odometer: 79568 Miles Today: 148 Total: 2349