Short shakedown to Citico Creek

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe had planned to take the first 2-3 weeks in January for a “Shakedown run” in our Pleasure-Way RV but medical appointments and social obligations here in the village have made us reconsider and postpone that trip until later in January.

So, with a balmy Saturday and no other obligations we decided to take the RV up along Citico Creek and have a picnic instead of an overnight for our first run.

Citico Creek is one of the larger tributaries of Tellico Lake and at the higher elevations, it is an excellent trout stream.  Today’s trip was just for the pleasure of getting out into the wilderness and enjoying the sounds of the creek and the beauty of the mountains in Winter.

The video above will give you an idea of how peaceful this area is.  We stopped at the Tanasi monument near the location on the Cherokee Capital that gave Tennessee its name. A lunch of leftover turkey sandwiches was the picnic part of our excursion. We actually did see a couple of fishermen and a group of 3 horseback riders, otherwise we had the whole place to ourselves.  I need to come back up here with a fly rod and a Tellico Nymph – maybe catch a trout or two.


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