Saturday 12/14/2013 – Settling in.

Mary with her grilled shrimp.

Mary with her grilled shrimp.

I find it to be amazing that just spending a couple of days on the road can be so tiring but I suppose that is just a part of aging.  We woke to cloudy skies and warm temps this morning.  Mary busied herself getting the interior of our land yacht shipshape while I did the same with the exterior.

Then off to town to pick up food and essentials we never knew we needed until we began getting settled in camp.

Next, it was off to the course to see if we could get in 18 holes before the predicted showers – no worries mate!  The predicted rain held off and we got in 18 enjoyable holes before returning to camp and finishing setup.  We installed the Christmas lights on the awning and fired up the grill to prepare the shrimp we got last night.  Then, discovering that we really were tired, we dragged ourselves into the trailer and vegged out for the rest of the evening.

We were awakened several times by the fierce winds and rain showers in the night – memo to Richard: roll the awning up COMPLETELY if it is going to get windy overnight.  I left it extended about a foot to keep the rain off of our chairs and that proved to be a noisy mistake.  The awning just contributed to the cacophony of the night but didn’t keep things dry at all.

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Saturday 12/14/2013 – Settling in. — 4 Comments

  1. Living it up in LA
    You two are setting a high bar for retirement. What’s next? A little gulf fishing charter? A sailing charter? A food tour of the Gulf Shore?!! Keep us posted and for heaven’s sake, try to have a little fun. 18 holes in one afternoon – way too strenuous.

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